The Christmas Party we Dread

October 31, 2008

Hey, folks it’s me again and I want to share something with you. Now by now yall should know me, and yes this will be about racism and it will be about unequal pay and hell yeah, it will be funny, but there won’t be blood.

Let’s go then……..Now, let me tell you what pisses me off. I can’t stand these stinking, pathetic large companies that have these stinking barbecue and chicken parties at these stinking, pathetic Christmas parties every damn year and they make this sorry loser party mandatory. Let me tell you why, and I am glad you asked. LOL

These mother flood puckers act like they are doing you a favor. Sorry fat cows. Here it is. I worked as security officer a long time ago, and it was one of the funnest jobs that I ever had. Most of us got paid around the same thing, since we all knew, and that was around 9-10 an hr. Not bad. It was predominantly all men, with a few women. I enjoyed being a part of the team. That was the best Christmas party that I have ever been to. It was loving, and friendly, we socialized and had a huge dance. I danced all night, literally, since I love to dance. It was open bar, and the prawns were huge, whew. Awesome. This company was a mixture of black and white, and it was for a multimillion dollar community in Orlando, Florida. Not bad. Guess what made it great? We were all equal and for the most part, we all liked each other. There wasn’t much favoritism involved, and noone necessarily felt unappreciated, and underpaid. When our raises were due, we received them on time. Our bonuses came, and they were good. WE were treated well, year round. Now on the other hand…You have that sorry ass loser company. They treat the black employees like crap, they give each one a raise, based on their personal feelings, instead of the work ethic. They discriminate by not hiring minorities, and if they do, they are all Latinos and they pay them on a smaller scale than whites. Yet these Latinos, scratch and grab onto whatever they can, and it creates division within the workplace. These owners/shrewd managers are the reason for this prejudice in our workforce. They have made it their business to eliminate fair practice and a workforce that is fair in it’s hiring process and fair in it’s pay scale. Sick freaks. Let me tell you what I would like to see happen. They need to be investigated and the blacks or Latinos that are working for these companies should get back pay, once it is determined that they have been discriminated against.

Let me tell you a small story. I know a white man that worked for a company and he worked for for many years, 8 to be exact, and when he was fired, for bad conduct, I mean he was terrible. 2 offers were made after his demise. The position was offered to a black man who was skilled and better qualified to do the job than anyone that worked there, in his particular department, and he was humble. They did offer him the job and stated that he would have to take a pay cut. He is making 15.00 and hour, and had been there for 9 years. It was also offered to a minority, Latino, he was told that he would be paid 16.00 an hour if he took the position, he accepted, but he is not half as skilled or qualified as the black man. He also has less education than the black man. Guess what the white guy made before he  was fired? $50,000 annually. Yet the Latino would make 33,000 and the black guy would make 27,040. What the hell is up with that?

Now when it is time for the Christmas party that the company is so proud of, they tell the employees, it is mandatory that they attend and they better not bring a guest. At my party, my husband was allowed to come and he had a blast. I stayed at that company for a good while and I really appreciated them for their year round treatment. These companies that think that they can treat people unfairly throughout the entire year, and that for their stinking party, we are supposed to be happy because they serve, fried chicken and ribs, along with barbecue chicken and potatoe salad, whoo hoo, niggers should be happy!. I don’t think so. They can kiss my butt. I don’t want another rib dinner and who needs their stinking fried chicken? It’s never that good anyway. Then you put me in a room with a bunch of white people that have been tooting their nose up at me all damn year, they never speak when they walk by, and then you tell me, hey, meet your coworkers. Go socialize, go and have some fun, but throughout the year, I have watched as this white guy came along, I trained him, and this bastard is working the shift that I had been in line for before he came along. He is making more money than me, and hell he’s been promoted twice, and he’s my freaking boss. Hell no. Once again, shove your nose up my ass. I am not happy with this disgusting thing. Start treating me right, you buttheads. Give me my damn money that I deserve.

You guys reading this, you know it’s true. I don’t want to go to no damn boring bowling alley. What kind of damn party is that? Blacks don’t bowl like that. So listen you idiot, cowardice business owners. Start treating black people right. Start treating Latinos right. Give them their money that they earn year round. Bad enough that your insurance is a bit** and we can’t afford it, but then you make me hang out with people that don’t like me, and people that I don’t like. At these parties, the blacks stay with the blacks, and the stuck up snobs hang with the snobs. This ain’t no damn party, you fool, it’s torture, and cruel and unusual punishment. Noone should have to go through this crap.

Stop making your employees go to these sorry ass chicken parties, that you specifically cater to the black and Latino people. Bit** if you want t cater to me, give me that raise that you said that you would give to me. Give me some sick pay, instead of this damn accrued PTO. Damn dead beat boss. You suck and your business should be investigated thoroughly.

If it weren’t for the employees that I feel would get fired, I would call your names out and expose you for the racist, prejudiced, pigs that you are. Remember it’s not the white employees fault, they are getting paid what the owner feels. More blacks should start boycotting these damn businesses and going on strike.

Now you may wonder why I write these things, let me tell you. I have friends that tell me a lot of stuff about their employment conditions and it is heart breaking when you realize the discrimination practices that these companies have. This is 2008, and it is not fair that people who have earned the money, won’t be receiving it because of some technicality of racism.

Hello my fellow Americkanites!!!!!Enjoy my latest.

October 31, 2008

Hey folks, it’s me with my controversial self, and no I’m not stopping, until this crap ends. Continue to stay tuned to my writings and I’ll look forward to you cursing me out.